Delete Yahoo Mail Account Permanently Fast


By following the simple steps here, you can Delete Yahoo Mail Account permanently and get rid of your account if you are you tired of your old yahoo Mail Account.
Do you have an old Yahoo Account that you are not making use of, it is possible to Delete that your Yahoo Mail Account.

If I Delete My Yahoo Account, What Next?

When you disable your Yahoo Email Address account, you will no longer have access to send and receive mails again into that account. Also, you will no long have access to all the messages and information that account when your account has been deleted.

By terminating your account, you will lose your Yahoo ID, Mail address, and Profile names. Yahoo account deletion will also terminate any paid services that you own with your yahoo id. Also, you may not be able to recover payments remitted for these services or the data associated with these accounts.

How Can I Reactivate A Closed Yahoo Mail Account?

You can reactivate a closed email account, by checking back the account after 40 days, then follow the instruction guide process to reactivate it.

Steps To Delete Yahoo Mail Account Permanently

Follow the steps here to permanently Delete Yahoo Account.

1. Visit the Yahoo Account Deletion Page

2. Kindly confirm your password after reading the information as shown below:

SEE ALSO: How to Recover a Forgotten Yahoo Mail Password

3. Enter the text shown to solve the CAPTCHA.

Delete Yahoo Mail Account Permanently

4. After that then click on ”Yes Terminate This Account” button to get rid of your account.

NOTE: Your account will be deactivated and then deleted from Yahoo user registration database in approximately 90 days.

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